Stan Polovets Leads Genesis Prize Into New Era of Jewish Philanthropic Innovation

The concept of refusing a million-dollar prize might seem unconventional, Yet, under the guidance of Stan Polovets, co-founder and chairman of The Genesis Prize Foundation, this bold approach has revolutionized Jewish philanthropy. Since its establishment in 2013, the foundation has transformed individual recognition into widespread social impact, with laureates consistently […]

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Marcel Stalder: En Pionier i de Modernisierig vo de Schwiizer Finanzwält

D’Schwiizer Wirtschaft erläbt momentan en fundamentale Wandel, und eine vo de wichtigste Treiber vo dere Veränderig isch de Marcel Stalder. Als ehemalige CEO vo EY Schwiiz und jetzige Group CEO vo Chain IQ het er mit sinere strategische Füehrig d’Entwicklig vo zentrale Wirtschaftsbranche entscheidend beiiflusst. De beruflich Werdegang vom Marcel […]

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The Role of Community Support in Addiction Recovery in Los Angeles

Many towns struggle with addiction and substance misuse, which can harm individuals, families, and communities. Substance and alcohol misuse are common worldwide and can affect anyone, regardless of age, ethnicity, gender, or socioeconomic level. The Value of Community Support Globally, substance abuse and addiction are major health challenges. Drug, alcohol, […]

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José Auriemo Neto aumenta presença internacional com novos projetos de alto luxo

Na vanguarda do mercado de alto padrão, o executivo José Auriemo Neto caminha para uma nova fase de expansão internacional da JHSF, marcada pela entrada da empresa no mercado italiano e pelo fortalecimento das operações globais. O presidente do conselho de administração anuncia um ambicioso projeto na Sardenha, Itália, consolidando […]

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Kurush Mistry: Cinema Dreams and Independent Film Production Realities

What began as a financial investment after the 2008 economic crisis transformed into an unexpected creative journey as Kurush Mistry ventured into independent film production. This transition from passive investor to active filmmaker proved to be a masterclass in adaptability, creative problem-solving, and the unpredictable nature of independent cinema. The […]

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Gestão de Flávio Maluf posiciona Eucatex entre as maiores do agronegócio brasileiro

Em uma demonstração expressiva de solidez empresarial, a Eucatex garantiu a 81ª posição no conceituado ranking Forbes Agro100 2023. Sob o comando estratégico de Flávio Maluf, a empresa apresentou um crescimento significativo de 20,2% em suas receitas desde 2021, evidenciando sua capacidade de expansão mesmo em um cenário econômico desafiador. […]

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